Friday, April 30, 2010

SIMUN Experience

I thought SIMUN was fun and my two favorite parts of SIMUN were the parliamentary procedure part and the dressing up as a diplomat part. I liked the parliamentary procedure part because that is what the UN does and that I will be one of the 200 people in Michigan that will know how to run and control a meeting with parliamentary procedure .

I liked the dressing up as a diplomat part of SIMUN because I looked good in a suit and that is the second time I’ve worn a suit. The last time I wore a suit was for my confirmation and that was seven months ago.

The three parts of SIMUN I didn't like were answering questions, news flashes and caucuses. I didn't like answering questions because I have a short amount of time to come up with good answers and there were too many to answer. I was lucky that the chair person said “I’m sorry but the time for questions has elapsed,” because there were about five more questions that other delegates would ask me.

I didn’t like caucuses because I only had two allies, Israel and Egypt. I was disappointed I didn’t have Canada, United States, Germany, Mexico, France, or any other European countries in my group. Most of the countries were from the Middle East or Asia.

I didn't like the news flashes because we are ready to right a resolution and all of a sudden your country bombed or nuked another country. We have to come up with another resolution.

I did considerably well during SIMUN. I spoke in all four of the conflicts. The conflict I spoke the most in was the United Kingdom arguing with Argentina over the Falkland Islands. I didn't ask any questions though. I helped with writing resolutions.

Preparing for SIMUN was the easiest part because what helped me most were the country research and the conflict questions. I didn't have to do irrelevant research for the conflicts. The questions basically told me what to research. When I was in the committee, I was taking notes on what was being said and what I was going to say.

Next year for SIMUN, I will do research on my new country, do research and answer the questions about conflicts, and I will do a little research on the countries involved in the conflicts, and the allies of the countries being involved. Also, I would do a little research on who my country's allies and foes are.

Since I liked SIMUN, I will probably do MAMUN next year because I got my first year of SIMUN out of the way.

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