Wednesday, October 21, 2009

President Obama and State Budgets

Two weeks ago President Barack Obama said that he wants school to be all year 'round. Yes, classmates that means summer too. Obama wants school to be all year 'round because he thinks that students forget everything we learned from the previous school year. President Obama is right. School should be all year 'round. Kids forget most of the material learned from the previous school years.

I remember last year at the beginning of 8th Grade we spent the whole first month of school reviewing for the MEAP. Imagine all the material we could have learned if we spent less time reviewing for the MEAP and we learned new material. If we have school all year 'round, then students have a better chance to remember the material.

Don't worry classmates, there are too many disadvantages for school being all year 'round. For example, if school is during summer, than popular vacation spots like Florida are going to get less revenue ( incoming money). Tourism is an important part of the Florida economy. If students are in school and not in Florida, then Florida will be losing money. Not only Florida would be losing money. Gas stations and airlines would be losing money also because how else would you get around?

Since Obama wants school all year 'round, then the states have to pay more for electricity, pay the bus drivers, the supplies and teachers. You can't have school all year 'round if your state is trying to cut spending. This is where the Michigan budget comes in. The school district is going to get less money so that means, layoffs and spending cuts. You can't make the school year longer and spend less money at the same time.

Obama mostly wants school all year 'round because the United States is competing with China and Japan to be the country with the highest graduation rate. Newsflash; how much money does Japan and China spend on defense and weapons? Ten times less then the United States. China and Japan spends most of the money on education. That is why Japan and China have a higher graduation rate then the United States.

The U.S. can't spend money on war/defense and an education system to be number one in the world. You just can't do it. If we get out of Iraq and Afghanistan we could use the money we could be saving and give a certain amount to each state's education system. We all know we can't leave Afghanistan and Iraq, so basically there is nothing we can do except to win within the next few weeks or surrender.Other than those two things, there is no way Obama can make school all year 'round or fix the state budget problems.

There are too many disadvantages for school being all year 'round so you shouldn't worry about it.

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