Friday, April 30, 2010

SIMUN Experience

I thought SIMUN was fun and my two favorite parts of SIMUN were the parliamentary procedure part and the dressing up as a diplomat part. I liked the parliamentary procedure part because that is what the UN does and that I will be one of the 200 people in Michigan that will know how to run and control a meeting with parliamentary procedure .

I liked the dressing up as a diplomat part of SIMUN because I looked good in a suit and that is the second time I’ve worn a suit. The last time I wore a suit was for my confirmation and that was seven months ago.

The three parts of SIMUN I didn't like were answering questions, news flashes and caucuses. I didn't like answering questions because I have a short amount of time to come up with good answers and there were too many to answer. I was lucky that the chair person said “I’m sorry but the time for questions has elapsed,” because there were about five more questions that other delegates would ask me.

I didn’t like caucuses because I only had two allies, Israel and Egypt. I was disappointed I didn’t have Canada, United States, Germany, Mexico, France, or any other European countries in my group. Most of the countries were from the Middle East or Asia.

I didn't like the news flashes because we are ready to right a resolution and all of a sudden your country bombed or nuked another country. We have to come up with another resolution.

I did considerably well during SIMUN. I spoke in all four of the conflicts. The conflict I spoke the most in was the United Kingdom arguing with Argentina over the Falkland Islands. I didn't ask any questions though. I helped with writing resolutions.

Preparing for SIMUN was the easiest part because what helped me most were the country research and the conflict questions. I didn't have to do irrelevant research for the conflicts. The questions basically told me what to research. When I was in the committee, I was taking notes on what was being said and what I was going to say.

Next year for SIMUN, I will do research on my new country, do research and answer the questions about conflicts, and I will do a little research on the countries involved in the conflicts, and the allies of the countries being involved. Also, I would do a little research on who my country's allies and foes are.

Since I liked SIMUN, I will probably do MAMUN next year because I got my first year of SIMUN out of the way.

Monday, April 26, 2010

What would the UK do if the US has troops in Pakistan to secure nuclear weapons?

The United Kingdom will send in troops to Pakistan to secure nuclear weapons also.

The UK will send in troops to Pakistan to secure nuclear weapons because the Pakistan government is not strong enough to secure their own nuclear weapons. Since the government in Pakistan is corrupt, it makes terrorist groups such as the Taliban and al-Qaeda easy for them to take control of nuclear weapons.

If the al-Qaeda or Taliban get control of the nuclear weapons, there would be a lot more terrorist attacks. The United States and other countries are allies with Pakistan because the Pakistanis hate the Taliban. Other countries including the United States hate the Taliban as well.

The only problem is Pakistan has to secure their own nuclear weapons. It is not other countries responsibility to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons. President Obama and other leaders of countries are verbally abusing the President of Pakistan for the government corruption in Pakistan.

If the Taliban get control of nuclear weapons, they will give some to Iran, launch missiles towards the United States, United Kingdom or even other countries.

As long as being in Pakistan doesn't start another world war against the Taliban I guess it will be a good thing the United Kingdom has troops in Pakistan to secure Pakistan's nuclear weapons. As long as the weapons are secure the United Kingdom doesn't care.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The book I am reading for my Global Ed. ELA class is AK by Peter Dickinson. AK is about this child soldier, named Paul Kagomi. Paul only feels safe when he carries his AK around with him. This takes place in Nagala, Africa. The soldiers have to sleep on the floors of mud shacks and the soldiers have to hide behing bushes.

Paul keeps on stepping into and out of reality. Every child soldier has an "uncle." It is not the uncle that is related to you. In Africa, an uncle is who takes care of you, teaches you the craft of war, keep an eye on you and protects you. American uncles don't do that kind of stuff. Paul is lucky, his uncle is actually his uncle.

One major culture difference in this book compared to American culture now is children don't fight in wars in America. Sometimes I wonder why Africa is different then the U.S politically, economically, and defensively.

Questions in my head while reading the book while reading this book are: Why is war being fought? Why is housing in Africa so bad? Why is the political system bad? Why are children being used as soldiers? Why is transporttaion so bad? Why is health so bad? The cause of some of these problems are the economy. Africa has no moneyfor houses, tranportation, health, and government.

The cause of the other problems and the bad economy is the climate. Half of Africa is above the equator and half of Africa is below the equator. Africa is mostly covered by desert. Desertification forces families and children to move away from the desert. Pretty soon the whole continent of Africa will be covered. Desertification limits the retreival of natural resources.

If natural resources can't be retreived, Africa can't get money because it won't be able to sell any. Africa is also a sight of Middle East terriost organizations. Take for example Somalia. Pirates are sinking ships off the coast. Other countries send in resources but the pirates attack them.

The one big question that still needs to be answered is: Why are children being used as soldiers?

Friday, April 2, 2010

San Diego with sentence rules

It was mid-winter break of 2007; 6th Grade at the time. That was when mid-winter break was a week long. For mid-winter break, my family went to San Diego, California. We ate dinner at a restaurant in the airport. After we ate dinner, we spent most of the time getting our ticket, getting checked, and riding the magic carpet. Two hours later we finally get on the plane.

When we got on the plane the pilots give my brother and I a brochure about something. It took about 30 minutes for the plane to take off into the air. This is when all the excitement starts. When we get about five thousand feet in the air, the lady that serves food and drinks checks in on the pilots of the plane.

I hear a scream; the passengers on the plane instantly stood up to see what happened. Even the people who were sleeping woke up because the scream was so loud. The lady comes out of the cockpit and everyone asks her what is wrong. You can tell that see was sad, but we didn't know what was wrong.

The lady says, "there is good news and bad news." The bad news is the pilots passed out and she doesn't know how to fly the plane. Everyone starts screaming. The lady says, “The good news is, we have Bud Light! Everyone starts to calm down and celebrate.

I stand up and yell, What about the plane? Everyone else on the plane yells back," Okay genius you want to fly the plane?" I say "Yes I would." I get to the cockpit and I see all kinds of buttons and lights. I'm like, "This is going to be easy". The plane is decreasing in altitude. The plane will only take about twenty seconds to crash into the Earth.

I see an ejection switch for the pilots. There is a parachute right behind me. I think about grabbing the parachute and ejecting myself out of the plane only to save myself. I realize that what I will do is bad and I pull down the handles and the plane gets parallel with the ground with only about one second until impact. I know the plane can't crash into the ground anymore and I reject the landing gear.

Very carefully I touch the wheels of the landing gear to the ground. The plane is sliding on the runway. It is dark, so I can't see. The runway is a couple miles long. The plane keeps sliding and sliding. When the plane gets closer I start to see a 3-D shape. The shape would eventually become the airport.

The plane eventually stops and I get off the plane on the shoulders of the other passengers. Clapping and acknowledging my life saving flying maneuvers, people on the airplane were celebrating.

Arnold ended up giving me the key to San Diego, San Francisco,and Sacramento. I can visit those cites anytime I want and I won't half to buy an airplane ticket. I can just fly the plane.
The exciting moment was over and we ended up going to Lego Land, San Diego Zoo, a motor-cross race in the San Diego Charger's Quallcomm Stadium, and the Air & Space Museum. Also, my family and I had dinner at my Dad's cousin's house.

One day we went to the USS Midway, an aircraft carrier. My family and I got to go where the planes are kept, under the runway and on the runway itself. We also got to go where the sailors got to sleep and eat. It is like a labyrinth down there. There are so many hallways and corridors it is so easy to get lost. From the USS Midway, I got a book by Tom Clancy.

Another day we went on a cruise/whale watching trip. When we were at San Diego we stayed at two separate condos. The second condo we stayed at was is the middle of a forest with a few other condos. Behind the condo were a beach and the Pacific Ocean. My dad got angry when my brother and I decided to go to swimming at the pool instead of the ocean.

My dad said we have to stay outside for awhile. When my brother gets in the water, he cuts his foot on a seashell. My brother's foot started to bleed and my brother and I go to the sliding, glass, door of our condo. Our dad won't let us in and my brother show's my dad his foot.

Angry and upset, my dad lets us in, looks at the foot, and decides he needs stitches. My brother and my dad go to the hospital.

The next day my dad, my brother, and I decide to walk along the beach. We have a waterproof football that we played catch with. When we were walking along the beach we see a bunch of jellyfish by the ocean water. The top of the jellyfish is what we see. My brother has the football, so he decides to throw the football at one of the jellyfish.

Thankfully he missed, because my dad starts to yell at him because what we see is where the poison is. Not one of my brother's smartest move. When my dad and my brother turn around and start heading back to the condo I see this large fish on the shore. I look at the large fish closely and I notice that it is a whale that is stuck on the beach.

I run towards the whale and see if my brother and dad are in the condo yet, unfortunately, they are. I can be the hero again just like I was the hero when I flew the plane to get to San Diego. I use my strength to pull and push the whale back into deep enough water so the whale can swim.

I get back to the condo before my parent's and my brother even realize I was gone. I tell them I saved the whale, but they wouldn't listen. I know I saved the whale and thats all what matters.

It is the last day of the San Diego trip and it is time to go back to the coldness of Michigan. When I get on the plane back to Detroit there are a bunch of people clapping and celebrating just like sixth grade send off. I bow and wave to them and I get back on the plane. The amazing trip I will remember forever ended.
It was mid winter break of 2007. The grade I would be in at that time was 6th. That was when mid-winter break was a week long. For mid-winter break, my family went to San Diego, California. We ate dinner at a restaurant in the airport. After we ate dinner, we spent most of the time getting our ticket, getting checked, and riding the magic carpet. Two hours later we finally get on the plane.

When we got on the plane the pilots give my brother and I a brochure about something. It took about 30 minutes for the plane to take off into the air. This is when all the excitement starts. When we get about five thousand feet in the air, the lady that serves food and drinks checks in on the pilots of the plane.

I hear a scream. The passengers on the plane instantly stood up to see what happened. Even the people who were sleeping woke up because the scream was so loud. The lady comes out of the cockpit and everyone asks her what is wrong. You can tell that see was sad, but we didn't know what was wrong.

The lady says, " there is good news and bad news." The bad news is the pilots passed out and she doesn't know how to fly the plane. Everyone starts screaming. The lady says, " The good news is, we have Bud Light! Everyone starts to calm down and celebrate.

I stand up and yell, What about the plane? Everyone else on the plane yells back," Okay genius you want to fly the plane?" I say " Yes I would." I get to the cockpit and I see all kinds of buttons and lights. I'm like, " This is going to be easy". The plane is decreasing in altitude. The plane will only take about twenty seconds to crash into the Earth.

I see an ejection switch for the pilots. There is a parachute right behind me. I think about grabbing the parachute and ejecting myself out of the plane only to save myself. I realize that what I will do is bad and I pull down the handles and the plane gets parallel with the ground with only about one second until impact. I know the plane can't crash into the ground anymore and I eject the landing gear.

Very carefully I touch the wheels of the landing gear to the ground. The plane is sliding on the runway. It is dark, so I can't see. The runway is a couple miles long. The plane keeps sliding and sliding . When the plane gets closer I start to see a 3-D shape. The shape would eventually become the airport.

The plane eventually stops and I get off the plane on the shoulders of the other passengers. When we get into the lobby of the airport, there are about two hundred people clapping and cheering acknowledging my life-saving plane flying. One of the persons was California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold ended up giving me the key to San Diego, San Francisco,and Sacramento. I can visit those cites anytime I want and I won't half to buy an airplane ticket. I can just fly the plane.

After the celebration was over I ended up going to Lego Land, San Diego Zoo, a motor-cross race in the San Diego Charger's Quallcomm Stadium, and the Air & Space Museum. Also, my family and I had dinner at my Dad's cousin's house.

One day we went to the USS Midway, an aircraft carrier. My family and I got to go where the planes are kept, under the runway and on the runway itself. We also got to go where the sailors got to sleep and eat. It is like a labrynth down there. There are so many hallways and corridors it is so easy to get lost. From the USS Midway, I got a book by Tom Clancy.

Another day we went on a cruise/whale watching trip. When we were at San Diego we stayed at two seperate condos. The second condo we stayed at was is the middle of a forest with a few other condos. Behind the condo was a beach and the Pacific Ocean. My dad got angry when my brother and I decided to go to swimming at the pool instead of the ocean.

My dad said we have to stay outside for awhile. When my brother gets in the water, he cuts his foot on a seashell. My brother's foot started to bleed and my brother and I go to the sliding, glass, door of our condo. Our dad won't let us in and my brother show's my dad his foot.

My dad lets us in, looks at the foot, and decides he needs stitches. My brother and my dad go to the hospital.

The next day my dad, my brother and I decide to walk along the beach. We have a waterproof football that we played catch with. When we were walking along the beach we see a bunch of jellyfish by the ocean water. The top of the jellyfish is what we see. My brother has the football, so he decides to throw the football at one of the jellyfish.

Thankfully he missed, because my dad starts to yell at him because what we see is where the poison is. Not one of my brother's smartest move. When my dad and my brother turn around and start heading back to the condo I see this large fish on the shore. I look at the large fish closely and I notice that it is a whale that is stuck on the beach.

I run towards the whale and see if my brother and dad are in the condo yet, unfortunately, they are. I can be the hero again just like I was the hero when I flew the plane to get to San Diego. I use my strength to pull and push the whale back into deep enough water so the whale can swim.

I get back to the condo before my parent's and my brother even realize I was gone. I tell them I saved the whale, but they wouldn't listen. I know I saved the whale and thats all what matters.

It is the last day of the San Diego trip and it is time to go back to the coldness of Michigan. When I get on the plane back to Detroit there are a bunch of people clapping and celebrating just like sixth grade send off. I bow and wave to them and I get back on the plane. The amazing trip I will remember forever ended.